I prioritize bug fixes and consider feature suggestions that align with the app vision and user demand.
Frequently Asked Questions
I prioritize bug fixes and consider feature suggestions that align with the app vision and user demand.
My apps prioritize user privacy and do not collect any personal data.
Yes, all my apps are native. They are developed with Xojo with sometimes the help of MBS plugins. They are signed and notarized by Apple.
My apps don't qualify for the Mac App Store's strict rules. They are system apps that do things Apple doesn't approve of, such as disabling, modifying, or bypassing system protections. In general, I'm against the closed model of app stores and their many restrictive rules.
Creating apps is my passion and I want them to be available to as many people as possible. I don't care much about money. Despite the few donations from users, they cost me much more than they bring me in.
My apps are not eligible for the Mac App Store's strict rules. They are system apps that do things Apple doesn't approve of, such as disabling, modifying, or bypassing system protections. In general, I am against the closed model of app stores and their many restrictive rules.
I hate ads. None of my apps have ads.
Make a donation on the official website micmac-app.fr, even a symbolic one. Whatever the amount, each donation is an additional motivation. Report any problems encountered and make suggestions for improvement. A contact page is available on the official website. I regret having very little feedback from users.
User-reported bugs are prioritized based on their impact on the functionality of the application and the number of users affected. My goal is to fix all bugs
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